

1967 - Gino Scarbolo and his daughter Eleonora took over a small sugar wholesale business located near the Udine railway station.


1973 – The increasing business performance, due to an excellent company management, caused the business to be moved to a more suitable site, located in the industrial area of Remanzacco, near Udine.


1975 – Working activities started at the new plant of Remanzacco, which was better equipped and ensured greater functionality. The same year Eugenio, Gino’s eldest son, joined the company.


1985 –Scarbolo Gino e Figli snc was awarded the Diploma di Benemerenza e Targa al Merito del Lavoro Mercurio d'Oro per i meriti conseguiti nell'attività imprenditoriale ed il contributo a favore dello sviluppo economico (Certificate of commendation and the “Mercurio d’Oro” award granted for working merits achieved in business and the contribution to economic development).


1989 – The excellent business performance  required further expansion of the plant and a change of the company name into joint-stock company.


1990 – In Italy and Europe the Nineties featured huge changes, both in terms of production and marketing of sugar. The company was faced witha dilemma, whether to continue its business as a pure wholesaler or to diversify in the packaging of sugar (by taking advantage of its strong presence in the retail market). The choice fell on the second option and thus the first packaging plant of sugar sachets was set up.


2000 – The purchase of the first packaging machine was followed by many others, which required an additional expansion of the production site.


2012 – The Company celebrated 45 years of business.

Scarbolo Zuccheri s.r.l.
Sede sociale, amministrazione e magazzino ricevimento merce: Via del Torre 48 – 33047 Remanzacco (UD)
Cap. Soc. € 117.000 i.v. R.E.A. UD 183199 C.F. e P.IVA 01592790305
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